Friday, May 31, 2013

The Sumo Game Mode Failure

         The original idea was for each team to chain their cc to knock out the designated players, but there simply wasn't enough coordination in each team. It just turned into a giant brawl between tanky people, which was funny, but it didn't support my vision for the game mode. I guess what I have learned from this is that I have to keep my future game modes more basic and easier to understand. Keep it simple stupid I guess. Anyways, back to the drawing board!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sumo Rule Set Rough Draft 1

Custom Game Mode: SUMO!

Map: Middle Area of the Dominion Map

Game type: Draft or Blind

Number of players: 8-10

Summary: This game mode is inspired by sumo wrestling. This game mode comprises of two teams trying to knock the designated player of the opposing team out of marked area above while trying to protect their own designated player. Ever match has a referee that decides whether a designated player gets knocked out of the match area and other rulings. At the beginning of the match, the designated players will meet at area where the storm buffs are and cannot move out of that area until the referee says start. Players can only go after the designated players once the referee says start. Once a designated player come back from being knocked out, the opposing team cannot go after the designated player until they reach the storm buff area. This game mode is not about killing other players. Players can only score by knocking a player out of the area.

Winning conditions: Once a team knocks the opposing designated player out of the area 20 times, they win.

General Bans: Morgana

Designated Champions Banned: Olaf

Sumo Champs Banned: Skarner

Summoner Spells Banned: Exhaust

Items Banned

General Rules:
Players are not allowed to build any ap or ad, which includes items, runes, and masteries.

Designated Specific Rules:

  • Once the designated enters the play area, they cannot leave the area or unless they are knocked out.
  • Designated players need to recall to base after getting knocked out and then proceed straight back into the
  • Designated should take the storm buff if the storm buff is up and they are re-entering the area after getting knocked out.
  • You can only use gap closing abilities and cc abilites

Sumo Specific Rules:

  • Sumo players cannot take the storm buff
  • Sumo can recall at any time and can leave the area at any time

LoL Moments - Operation Kill Xerath

After trying to kill his OP ass all game, we tried one final attempt to get xerath. This is the story.

Sumo Wresting Game Type Idea

So, I was laying in my bed having trouble falling asleep. So I said to myself "I might as well come up with an idea for a custom game. This is when an idea hit me. What if there was a game mode that took place in the same place as the blitzcrank volleyball where each team has to knock a designated player on the other team out of the designated area. I guess I have new game mode to design.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Predators Game Mode 3rd Rough Draft

Custom Game Mode: Predator

Map: Dominion

Game type: Draft or Blind. Prefer Draft.

Number of players: 6

Summary: This game mode is a 2 vs 4 match in the Dominion map. The predators are the 2 person and team and the Prey are the 4 person team. Each Predator is purposely fed 4 kills by the Prey at the beginning of the game. Each member of the Prey will feed each of the Predators one kill. The Predators have to pick off members of the Prey and avoid attacking the group as a whole. The Prey need to stick together because they cannot fight the fed Predators individually. First team to reach a certain amount of kills wins.

Winning Conditions: Ever kill your team gets you damage your enemies nexus by 2 points. The nexus starts at 500 points. The 5 player team wins when they reduce the enemy’s nexus to 450 points, which is 25 kills. The 2 player team wins when they reduce the enemy nexus to 430 points, which is 25 kills. This is the case because the 2 player team is fed a total of 10 kills at the beginning of the game.

General Bans: Teemo, Shaco. AP Caitlyn, Nidalee

Predator Champions Banned: Nothing

Prey Champs Banned: Kayle, Zilean, Twisted Fate, Shen, Tryndamere.

Summoned Spells Banned: Revive, Clairvoyance is banned for the Prey.

Items Banned: Guardian Angel, Mejais Soulstealer, Sword of the Occult.

General Rules:

  • Players cannot get items that give over a total of 30 bonus armor and bonus magic resist. Players also cannot get items that give over bonus 300 health.
  • Players can enter the center portion of the map at any entrance
  • Once a player exits base, they cannot return to their own base or recall.
  • Players cannot camp the entrances from lane to jungle
  • Healing Shrines are allowed
  • Storm Buff can only be taken by the predators
  • Players cannot capture any capture points

Predator Specific Rules:

  • Predators can use sight items and oracles.
  • Predators can use clairvoyance

Prey Specific Rules:

  • Prey cannot use oracles or sight items like Hextech sweeper
  • Prey cannot use clairvoyance.
  • Prey can only have one champ who has hard cc, for example stuns, knock ups, fears, roots.
  • Prey cannot use any sort of traps

Battle Arena Tier List

         This is my first attempt at a tier list for the custom game mode Battle Arena. I try to highlight champions that have mechanics that suite battle arena or do not. The champs in these tiers are not listed in a specific order. Just because a character is low on the tier doesn't mean that they are unplayable or horrible on the game mode. This is only my opinion and this list is subject to change. If you disagree with any of my rankings, please leave a comment saying why my list should be changed.

AP Mages
  • God Tier: Fiddlesticks, Anivia, Xerath.
  • Great Tier: Ziggs, Karthus, Kayle, Gragas, Oriana, Lissandra, Ahri, Brand.
  • Good Tier: Viktor, Heimerdinger, Annie, Swain, Malzahar, Zyra, Twisted Fate, Cassiopeia, Syndra, AP Master Yi, AP Kogmaw, Lux.
  • Meh Tier:  Morgana, Vladimir, Ryze, Veigar, Mordekaiser, Sion, Kennen.
AP Supports
  • God Tier: Janna.
  • Great Tier: Lulu.
  • Good Tier: Soraka, Karma.
  • Meh Tier: Sona, Nami, Zilean.
AP Assassins
  • God Tier: Kassadin, Fizz, Leblanc, Poppy
  • Great Tier: Katarina, Evelynn.
  • Good Tier: Akali
  • God Tier: Alistar, Leona, Singed.
  • Great Tier: Maokai, Sejuani, Malphite.
  • Good Tier: Taric, Nautilus, Rammus, Dr Mundo, Chogath, Amumu.
  • Meh Tier: Thresh, Shen, Blitzcrank.
  • God Tier: Darius, Jarvan, Jax, Volibear
  • Great Tier: Trundle, Zac, Diana, Hecarim, Udyr, Vi, Irelia.
  •  Good Tier: Xin Zhao, Rumble, Renekton, Skarner, Gangplank, Nocturne, Olaf, Urgot, Elise, Yorick, Garen.
  • Meh Tier: Nasus, Shyvana, Galio, Nunu.
Ranged AD Carrys
  • God Tier: Ezreal, Caitlynn, Vayne.
  • Great Tier: Quinn, Twitch, Graves.
  • Good Tier: Draven, Varus, Tristana, Corki, Miss Fortune.
  • Meh Tier: Ashe, Sivir, KogMaw.
AD Casters/ AD Assassins
  • God Tier: Khazix, Lee sin, Wukong, Rengar.
  • Great Tier: Jayce, Rivenm Tryndamere, Zed.
  • Good Tier: Talon, Fiora.
  • Meh Tier: Pantheon, Master Yi.