Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sumo Rule Set Rough Draft 1

Custom Game Mode: SUMO!

Map: Middle Area of the Dominion Map

Game type: Draft or Blind

Number of players: 8-10

Summary: This game mode is inspired by sumo wrestling. This game mode comprises of two teams trying to knock the designated player of the opposing team out of marked area above while trying to protect their own designated player. Ever match has a referee that decides whether a designated player gets knocked out of the match area and other rulings. At the beginning of the match, the designated players will meet at area where the storm buffs are and cannot move out of that area until the referee says start. Players can only go after the designated players once the referee says start. Once a designated player come back from being knocked out, the opposing team cannot go after the designated player until they reach the storm buff area. This game mode is not about killing other players. Players can only score by knocking a player out of the area.

Winning conditions: Once a team knocks the opposing designated player out of the area 20 times, they win.

General Bans: Morgana

Designated Champions Banned: Olaf

Sumo Champs Banned: Skarner

Summoner Spells Banned: Exhaust

Items Banned

General Rules:
Players are not allowed to build any ap or ad, which includes items, runes, and masteries.

Designated Specific Rules:

  • Once the designated enters the play area, they cannot leave the area or unless they are knocked out.
  • Designated players need to recall to base after getting knocked out and then proceed straight back into the
  • Designated should take the storm buff if the storm buff is up and they are re-entering the area after getting knocked out.
  • You can only use gap closing abilities and cc abilites

Sumo Specific Rules:

  • Sumo players cannot take the storm buff
  • Sumo can recall at any time and can leave the area at any time

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