Sunday, June 2, 2013

Monthly Contest for a $10 RP Giftcard - June Edition

           In this contest, people simply have to come up with ideas for my youtube series called Great Moments of Troll. Whoever comes up with the best idea for a video will win $10 dollar code for Riot Points. The winning entry will also be turned into a youtube video on my channel. Great Moments of Troll is a league of legends based series where LoL champions troll enemy champions and even their own team mates in funny and cruel ways. If your idea would make someone rage really hard, you are going in the right direction with your entry. For Example, in my upcoming video, a team is trying to kill baron, but they realize that they cannot kill baron so they decide to flee. The Anivia on their team leaves baron pit and walls the entrance, leaving the teammates to die to baron. This is a perfect example of what I am looking for. Please avoid posting troll champ builds and troll and cheesey team comps. The contest will end at the end of this month, June 30th.

  • You can only write a contest submission in a comment to this post. The comment section is below
  • Only one contest submission per person.
  • You must write your summoner name in your submission post so I can send you the prize if you win.
If you have any questions about the contest, Please write it in the comment section.
Good luck everyone!


  1. Singed flings enemy jungler into baron pit while his team is doing baron. Enemy smite is up. Smite steals then aces the other team

    IGN: AsanX

  2. Amumu Ult's

    ( Start Charging Ult )

    Janna flashes in and Pushes all the enemies out of the way. c:

    1. ~Clean~

      All enemies are mid lane.
      Nunu flashes in and starts charging his ultimate

      Amumu flashes in and uses his ultimate to stop the enemies from moving

      Zyra/oriana use her ult to bring em all together

      Fiddlesticks starts charging his ult to go in and kill everything

      Janna flashes in and pushes all enemies away and the enemy team gets an Ace.

    2. IGN : xBabyGeezus ( Firefly )

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  5. Wombo Combo all global ults like ashe ezreal- and so on all ult 1 guy at once-325troy

  6. Sona pentakill 1v5 and then heimerdonger dongs her

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  8. troll team traps ... like hiemer, teemo, shaco, cait, nidalee. maybe maokai? ... could even include oriana, zyra .. anyone with a trap. .. there are many situations that this would be very trolly. Innawhile

    1. ok so, .. the team would be a taunter galio, rammus, shen ... and should be trappers .. shaco, heimer, teemo, then a stunner or rooter would be good. zyra, or sej, orianna. The scene .. place traps into the small bush near baron with the taunter hiding in it. have the rest of team go up to a warded baron like they are going to attack it to bait the other team into that bush. and have galio ult the first champ and traps just rape face. ~Innawhile

  9. When a caitlyn ult is channeling on a low hp friendly ally,(the support or jungle) Alistar, headbutt's towards a minion/nuetral camp and doesnt block the shot. c:

    IGN: Lvl 5 Vulpix

  10. Wasting All summoners and spells for First Blood.

    Use S right as they're about to die, standing under turret. (Give First Blood To Enemy).


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  12. thresh lands a q on someone at their tower, adc from the distance flashes as thresh sends lantern back and when draven clicks it thresh activates q into tower pulling him into tower to dive but flashes away and let's his adc die in the middle of the tower.

    -Naxty (hope this is a lil more troll, disregard the "ëpic" one

  13. Shen it going to an ally in need of help. Right at the lest second Mr.Zilean runs up to Shen and throws his Q on him and kills the ally in need of help.

    -Zidanedude I hope you find this idea funny atleast.

  14. The yordle hunt - film of cho gath or urf the mannate eating all the yordles in the game a video of the whole fight but it has to end with the yordle dying to feast or fizz ults
    ign: yorbabymaker

  15. Have Soraka Top, sona mid, nami adc ,janna support, and lulu jungle.
    And if you don't have a full team...... do Raka top or Lulu junlge
    IGN: Ryu II

  16. A ziggs is getting ganked as he throws down his satchel. He tries to juke them and he ends up using flash and positioning himself on top of his satchel, which goes off as soon as he flashes onto it, throwing him back to where he was before he flashed. Then he dies. The end.
    -Bluto >.<

  17. Blue team doing baron, purple team all has teleport / flash. Purple team is Amumu, Lissandra, Nunu, Galio, Fiddle. While blue finishing Baron, purple flashes/teleports into baron and ults in the order of Amumu, Lissandra, Nunu, Galio. Fiddle ults from outside at the end.


  18. A Lee Got caught when he pushed too hard mid. 5 people from the enemy team ganks him. When Lee notices the last minion to W to, he tries to go to it so he can escape. His teamate, syndra goes in and grabs the minion and throws it away from lee to the tower. Lee couldn't W to the minion or syndra because syndra wanted to keep the distance to make lee die. Syndra just wanted a hard, good laugh. Name- TommyTwoShoes.
